
Showing posts from November, 2015

We Love You Julie Anne San Jose

Giving Julie Anne San Jose a virtual hug right now, in case you're unaware of, We Love JulieAnneSanJose , Protect JulieAnneSanJose and #WeLoveJulie has been a Twitter topic the past days. I certainly love Julie Anne San Jose and everything she brings as an entertainer and as a human being. And I believe that all the hate the so called Aldubnation has directed at her this past few months is misguided and small-minded.

Forever Official Music Video

The Official Music Video of Julie Anne San Jose's newest single Forever.

Julie Anne Not Singing Is Wrong

Today mark the official release of Julie Anne San Jose's EP Forever, which is still holding a strong spot on the iTunes album chart . But today also mark the fifth straight week Julie has been kept from singing on Sunday Pinasaya. Her last singing prod on the show was October 4.

Julie Anne San Jose FOREVER EP

Julie Anne San Jose's new EP Forever is now available for pre-oders on iTunes topping the album chart less than two hours after its release. Forever features Julie Anne's chart toppers Not Impressed and TidalWave with Tidal Wave remix and the title track and soon to be realease single Forever.

Why GMA Records Wont Release ForeverEP On CDs?

Julie Anne San Jose's EP FOREVER (Produced by Vim Entertainment) went straight to the top of iTunes album chart in just less than two hours after its release.